Why we Sponsor LogiPharma

We spoke to FedEx to see why they sponsor LogiPharma. FedEx provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce, and business services. Their networks operate collaboratively to deliver the best service to customers without compromise.

Who: FedEx

Where: LogiPharma

When: April 2022

Benefits: Attention grabbing, opportunities to showcase products and services & getting a leading edge on the competition


This is not our first time sponsoring LogiPharma, we have attended twice before. The reason we return year after year, is because it is a brilliant opportunity to network with our existing customer base but also to meet new people of the industry.

We have always had a great experience at LogiPharma. A lot of important long-term relationships we have built in our business were formed at the event. It has really helped us expand out network in the pharma industry.


The quality of delegates on site has been great, we have been able to meet a good mix of large scale and smaller companies. In terms of job title and company, the delegates have been fantastic. We have definitely met the people we came here for.

The event has been very well organised by the team. Some elements of the conference we found useful were the speaker sessions, there was a good variety of topics and top-quality speakers. They were very interactive, and it created a lot of networking opportunities with participation from delegates and between sessions.

LogiPharma is one of the key events for the pharmaceutical logistic industry in Europe, so it is definitely important for FedEx to attend. As our company progresses, it will be important for us to have a presence here.

If you’d like to join LogiPharma next year as a sponsor, then get in touch and find out more about how you can get involved.