April 08 - 10, 2025
Centre de Congrès de Lyon, France
IPI (The International Pharmaceutical Industry Journal) has
been founded by professionals with over 30 years of experience in
the Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences publishing sectors. We have identified the
needs of these dynamic industries, and have listened carefully to our readers
and advertisers. With a strong collaboration between the Pharmaceutical and
Life Sciences Industry Associations we have created a global distribution
network spanning genres such as Regulatory and Marketplace Expectations and
Trends, Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery and Pharmaceutical Packaging.
With leading editorial market reports, clinical case studies and watch pages on
topics such as 'Regulatory Reforms', 'A Patient-Centric Approach to Healthcare
and Clinical Research' and 'Pharmaceutical Distribution',IPI is well received
worldwide. Having worked with clients such as Parexel, BPE and Amplexor, IPI's
incorporation of new and innovative communication methods has made us a
leading publication of choice to help highlight your expertise.