Pfizer is Using Its Sustainability Bond to Fight COVID Around the World

Despite their size and global impact, it’s interesting the way brands such as Pfizer have only really become household names as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and their development of the vaccines and treatments which would eventually allow normalcy to start returning to our lives.
However, while it is true that some countries have somewhat successfully beaten back the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus, there are many parts of the world where a lack of access to healthcare in general, and COVID-19 vaccines and treatments specifically, mean many millions of people are still very much in the fight.
This has led Pfizer to commit the proceeds from its new sustainability bond to provide logistical vaccine solutions for millions of people around the globe:
- 40 million doses for markets such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Philippines, and Rwanda, via an advance purchase agreement with the World Health Organization.
- 500 million doses at a non-profit making price to the US government.
- 120 direct supply deals with world governments.
- Collaboration with South African biopharma company Biovac to manufacture and distribute vaccines to 55 African Union states
Independent analysis of the bond has stated that, while market expectations for green, social, and sustainability bonds do not typically align with this kind of philanthropy, they can be suitable for inclusion when considered as part of a broader sustainability program.