MöInlycke Health Care Case Study


Providing protection through the pandemic

Headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, MöInlycke Health Care has a global reach, with markets in more than 80 countries around the world, dedicated sales offices in 30 countries and raw materials and parts sourced globally.

Oliver Wight has a long standing relationship with MöInlycke dating back to 2009 and supported the business over the years as it developed its Integrated Business Planning (IBP) process, called Molnlycke Business Management ( MBM). MBM was certified to Oliver Wight Class A standard back in 2011. When Covid-19 arrived at the start of 2020, it brought with it some serious challenges for the business. Whilst demand for certain elective surgery SKUs ground to a halt, demand for PPE exploded to 10 times its normal level, placing enormous pressure on the business to satisfy a short-term demand that far outstripped production capacity and inventory levels.

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