Johnson & Johnson is Embracing Sea Freight for Sustainability

As one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical brands, Johnson & Johnson knows it needs to be seen to be doing its bit when it comes to creating a more sustainable world.
This is why the company has recently introduced a range of measures in its Vision arm designed to help it meet its ambitious sustainability goals to source 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025, as well as achieve carbon neutrality across all its operations by 2030.
Recent developments in this strategy include signing a ten-year deal with JEA which will see 100% of the electricity at its global headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida come from solar power, recycling 90% of unused materials from ACUVUE® manufacturing sites, launching the ACUVUE® contact lens recycling program in the UK, with five million contact lenses and lens cups recycled to date.
Johnson & Johnson has also achieved a 13% reduction in logistics related carbon emissions of transporting its contact lens products by eschewing air freight in favour of oceanic shipping. The company predicts this reduction to have risen to 35% by the end of 2022.
“As a leader in the healthcare industry, we’re guided by our strong sense of purpose, helping people around the world see better, connect better, live better,” said Worldwide President, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Peter Menziuso. “That commitment extends to how we innovate to support the health of the planet.”