India’s Government eMarketplace is Piloting Blockchain for Medicine and Vaccine Supply

India’s Government eMarketplace (GeM) was launched by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in 2016 in an effort to make government procurement more open and transparent than was previously possible. And now the cashless and paperless procurement platform has turned its attention towards blockchain.
To avoid the introduction of counterfeit goods and ensure prescribed standards are tracked, monitored, and adhered to, GeM is launching a trial using blockchain technology for 372 of its geographical indication registered products. There have been repeated concerns from the public around the origins of many of the products available on the platform and its hoped this initiative will go some way towards addressing them.
“There is a lot of counterfeiting in GI products,” said GeM CEO, Prashant Kumar Singh. “We buy a Pashmina shawl based on what the shopkeeper says. We don’t have the wherewithal to verify it. We are using blockchain technology for GI products where we have end-to-end visibility, which will include the manufacturer, clearing and forwarding agents, any of the agencies certifying the quality of the product, GeM, and recipient of the product.”
Obviously, with medicines and vaccines the consequences for allowing counterfeits to enter the supply chain can be devastating, especially in a country with such health and wealth disparity as India.